Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Family Visit

We got back yesterday from my brother's house in International Falls, MN.  It's about a 14 hour drive from Billings, and I wasn't looking forward to sitting in the car that long and stiffening up.  I was worried that I'd really be hurting for the long weekend only to turn around and drive back again and be stiff for a few more days.  God spared me.  I had very little pain and stiffness. 

I truly believe that God is taking care of me through this, and that He allowed me to find all of the information on the effects of diet on AS in order to allow me to make some necessary changes that would help me.  Changing my diet has been hard, but worth it.  I think my sister-in-law felt bad that I was preparing my own food all the time, but I told her that it was just something I had to do and didn't mind doing it.  I felt bad not eating her food, as it all looked delicious, but I didn't want to give up any headway I've made so far. 

Anyway, we had a great time visiting my brother and his family and I'm so glad we made the trip.  I even got to do a little ice fishing.  That was my second time ice fishing, but the first time I was in a pickup truck driving across the ice.  That was a different experience, especially when the driver (Matt's father-in-law Lloyd) turns around and tells you to take your seatbelt off as you're driving down the boat ramp to start across the ice.  "Just in case you have to get out quick," he said.  We had a good day fishing too, 2 shy of our 30 crappie limit. 


  1. I hate denying others' food too, Jon, but it's a day-to-day reality for me, as well. I'm glad that you, K, and the kids had a great time in MN!

  2. Yeah, Linds, I'm quickly figuring out that going to someone else's house is difficult. I haven't had too many problems yet at restaurants. It always seems like I can find something that is simply a protein and some non-starchy veggies. Just have to watch for those hidden starches/sugars/lactose in sauces and stuff like that. At least I wouldn't have a potentially violent reaction if I did ingest something, like you would. I would just simply notice a little extra achiness or stiffness perhaps.
