Friday, December 30, 2011

My First AS Anniversary

It's been one year since my diagnosis, and what a roller-coaster year it has been.  After being told upon diagnosis that treatment was necessary as soon as possible with either sulfasalazine or methotrexate, I chose to wait until we could hopefully conceive a third child.  FYI, my third child, Nathaniel, was born on December 23. 

In February, after much pain and inflammation, I started the diet that changed my life.  It has truly been a blessing from God to be able to control my pain through a diet, although the diet is often a huge annoyance and I sometimes get upset that I can't eat a 'normal' diet.  I hope that maybe through this blog, someone who is suffering with AS can change the way he or she feels as well through diet instead of the traditional medicinal treatments. 

It's sometimes hard to realize that my idea of what my life would be like was forever altered, but I have to remember that God is sovereign over all, and He has a reason for me having AS.  I hope that I simply act as clay in His hands and allow Him to mold me through it. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that your diet is working so well for you, Jon. p.s. You need to update your "About Me" to include your youngest. Praise God! :)
