Friday, February 25, 2011

Starch-Free Day 1: Forbidden Food

So far, so good.  Eggs, greek yogurt, and fruit for breakfast; apple for my mid-morning snack; salad for lunch with loads of spinach, red peppers, broccoli, pear, and homemade dressing (olive oil, greek yogurt, lemon juice, and spices).  Not easy to plan a menu without starches.  This week could be VERY long.  I hope it's worth it and it makes a difference, but I have my doubts. 

What really makes me doubt that it will work is when my wife tells me that she's making cinnamon rolls for her Saturday morning ladies' Bible study.  When she told me this, my first question was whether she hated me.  Is she trying to upset the apple cart?  She got a kick out of that and promised not to bake them in our house so that the house didn't smell like them.  Also, seeing as it's been so cold, I've been doing my afternoon walk in the mall (along with all of the other old people - at least I feel old except when a mall-walker in his mid-50's says to me "I used to be able to keep that pace").  I don't even like Cinnabon (they're too sickeningly sweet), but try walking past the Cinnabon stand in the mall about 4 or 5 times and see if you're not craving one. 

What is it inside us that makes us want what we can't have?  I guess I'll have to ask Adam (and God) that someday in Heaven (some would argue that Adam wasn't saved, I would disagree).  He had perfect fellowship with God, and yet he gave it all up for the one thing on the entire planet that was forbidden.  I'd like to think I would have remained in perfect fellowship, but I know better.  Romans 3:10 says that "there is none righteous, not even one." 

For now, cinnamon rolls are on my forbidden list.  I can go for at least a week without giving in to the temptation.  I must finish this experiment for my own peace of mind.  Best to eliminate the possibility of the easiest fix. 


  1. Jon, your food plan is certainly more restrictive than mine, but I can relate somewhat. Speciality shopping, cooking, and eating isn't always fun at first, but over time the cravings go away and you won't even mind Kristin making cinnamon rolls. The benefits will eventually outweigh the sacrifices...well, that is, if this works for you. I certainly hope so!

  2. Oops, just to clarify: I didn't mean than you won't miss or want those cinnamon rolls, just that over time you won't crave them if going starch-free works. :)

  3. Jon, you made me chuckle about that 50-year-old and his comment about your pace! Sense of humor will seriously be a great friend to you.

  4. Julie, I can't ever lose the sense of humor.
